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Deconstructing obsolete design
and redefining main features

Role: Product Designer / Responsibilities: User Flow, Data Analysis, E-commerce Strategy

Understanding the Objectives

To serve the increasing amount of digitally-native customers as well as to streamline the workflows for designers, we redesigned the category page and were able to launch it successfully.

The existing category page wielded functionality and structural issues. The page had cramped, orderless content and lacked a responsive design for automatic mobile optimization. Our analysis of the old page’s faults reinforced a new design strategy: reducing purchase friction by providing customers with multiple paths to merchandise via clear visual navigation and shop hierarchy.

User and Market Research

I worked closely with the customer-centric design team and gained valuable analytics insights. Data like page views, top clicked categories, user flows, etc. illustrated what to keep and what to remove from the original page. (e.g. placing top-selling categories to the first row)

Competitor research including Target, Walmart, Nordstrom, and Amazon helped us understand industry standards. We were able to adapt the market’s best practices suitable for Macy’s.

Content taxonomy mind map

Ideation and Wireframe

Module design options

Utilizing key findings and feedback from marketing and merchandising teams, we devised a wireframe with page architecture annotations.

  • 6 key modules — Monetization, Top categories, Authority / Newness, Value ads, Brands, Educational / Services

  • Final Product and Key Performence


  • Flexible module design and automatic desktop/mobile adaptability

  • Clear visual navigation and shop hierarchy gave customers an easier way to shop

  • Lighter color palette and sleek spatial design help users digest information faster

  • Performance Note:

  • Since the November 2020 launch, the new category page has already had increased engagement and clickthrough rates. More in-depth analysis and insights will come over time as the holiday season sales also affected.